Monday, November 12, 2012

Week 1...Check

Well, that wasn't too hard! I can't believe week 1 is done already. I only have 7 more to go :( I am losing weight pretty quickly. I am down to 141.8, which is a total of 7.6 in one week, which I am very happy with! I know it won't be as much this week, but I am hopeful I will make it in to the 130's! I have to say the days that I worked flew by, but it is Thurs-Sun. nights that are hard. I own a Fondue restaurant, so most peope would think those would be the harder nights, but I am busy the whole time, so I really don't care about food. It is when I am sitting down and have time to think about food and actually cooking it for my family is when it gets really hard! I have been mixing blended fruit/veg with actually juiced fruit/veg, so that has been helping with the bathroom  "problem" that people seem to get. The only side effect I have felt so far is a funnny tast in my mouth sometimes and a chalky feeling on my tongue at night which goes away when I brush my teeth and tongue :) Well, here's to week 2 and hopefully a successful one! Here are a few updated pics to see the change. BTW, I am making this pathetic face so you can see the difference in my wrinkles, puffiness etc. and so that each week it is the same pic. Start:
After 1 week:
Can you see how much of the puffiness is going away, especially above the eyes! And I am not sure if you can see it in the picture, but the lines on my forehead are going away too! Yeah, these pics will just get better and better :)
Here's update pic of weigh too.

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