Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 1 of 56 (8 weeks :)

Well, day 1 and juice #1 down the hatch. I am starting my 8 week Juicing Fast today Novemeber 5, 2012 and the 8 weeks will bring me right up to New Years Day. I started today at 149.4, bloated, tired, frustrated, asthma flaring up and Seborrhea Dermatitis on my scalp like you wouldn't believe! Right now I am addicted to junk food and my body is screaming for nutrients. Through out the summer I was going back and forth between Clean Eating (eating all natural food with no additives or peservatives) and junk. I would do great for a few weeks and something stupid would happen and I would give in to something junky and my body was hooked again. I seriously feel like a crack addict! And to be honest, that is exactly what it is. You know everyone says that it's different from being a drug addict because we need food to live, but we NEED healthy food to live, not chips, fast food and candy! That does absolutely nothing for you, you might as well not have eaten at all and you would be healthier. I also feel like people talk about how selfish people are who commit suicide (I have a differing opinion), but that is exactly what the whole of America is doing right now. It may not be as immediate as putting a gun to your head, but you are absolutely killing yourself slowly with eating crap! So, I have decided that I want to be there to see my kids grow up and meet my grandchildren! I don't want to die a slow and painful death and suffer in the end. I sometimes here people say, well I only have one life to live and I am going to be happy while I am here and eat what I want. REALLY? I don't know about you, but I am so unhappy right now. The food I put in my mouth gives me about 60 seconds of gratification before the guilt and sadness sets in :( I want to be happy all the time and feel amazing about myself. I don't feel happy when I am tired all day long and want to take a nap in the afternoon instead of taking my 4 year old to the playground. I am not happy when I want to get nicely dressed for a night out with my husband and I have nothing that fits me and the modge podge I put together of stuff that does fit me looks like crap. I am not happy when I wheeze all day and can't wear my hair in certain styles because I am worried about someone seeing my scalp or the fact that I never get my hair cut because I am embarrased about the hair dresser touching my scalp. I am not happy that I don't even recognize the face staring back at me because I look so old and run down. I HATE that my house, although clean, isn't spotless all the time because I am too lazy half the days to just pick up. I hate when my husband wants to hold me and tell me how much he loves me and I just want to hide and curl up so he can't see my rolls. I want to live in the moment. I want to be healthy and vibrant. I want my skin to glow and be full of energy! I want to run around with my kids and be happy all the time! I really want to feel good in my clothes and just open my closet and think, wow I have so much stuff to choose from! Well, this is it! I am changing my life. I am not going to let food control who I am and what I do. It is the most rediculous thing! I can't wait to see the changes that will happen over the next 8 weeks! Most of all I hope I get back to being the Cate that I used to be and possibly help others to do the same! Wish me luck, it isn't going to be easy but that's ok. It will get easier as it becomes my new norm and the old obsessions and addictions to junk food melt away. Here is a glimpse at my start weight and what I see in the mirror (God I look so old and already like my 63 year old father :( ) and I will update every week so you can see the progress I am making :)

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