Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 2 of 56 :)

Well, I have to say I was pleasantly suprised at Day 1. I really thought I would have caved and done my traditional diet start where I don't even finish the day and have already given up and pushed the diet back another week. "I'll start next Monday" has been a very popular phrase! However, I didn't feel that it was that hard. I made a couple of mistakes :( For example, I tried to blend an avocado that wasn't quite ripe and it made my smoothy VERY chunky. I nearly vomited instantly. I also juiced a 1/4 of a red onion and I would have been a great weapon against Vampires on Halloween :) Other than that I found them very tasty! I lost 2 lbs over night, which made me happy of course. Day 2 has been similar in the fact that I like the juices, however, I am already getting sick of cleaning the juicer and blender :( Ugh, that is definitely going to be a serious annoyance. I did make my mistake already today and that was blending a granny smith apple with the skin on and it made it chunky. However, I got to kind of chew a little bit which I welcomed. I don't feel tired, don't have any headaches and only have a tiny bit of ditsy feeling going on. I am trying to add a few more calories to the juices by blending in coconut, flax and olive oil and also flax seed to give it a bit of bulk. I really hope that last week was the final time I say "i'll start on Monday"! I have decided that if I just stick with it and put my head down then I will never have to do such a serious plan again. I just need to continue the exercise and eat healthy during the week and then allow myself a small treat on the weekend. I know that I won't even want junk once I finish the Reboot because my taste buds will be completely changed along with my body.

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